Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Would you like to share an anecdote about how the economic downturn is impacting your organization and/or your organization’s clients?
We asked people to comment as they registered for the Town Hall. See comments below to read what service providers have said.
Q&A: General
Outlook for sustainability of support for service offering? What's urgent, and what's important?
Q&A: General
Overwhelming information. How can educational partners (higher ed) make a contribution?? There could be an overwhelming response. What is ONE impactful way?
Q&A: 2-1-1
The panelists consistently spoke of the lack of coordination of services. What concrete efforts, if any, are being made to coordinate or manage services via a centralized system?
Q&A: General
Is there a plan for how to transition newly poor out of assistance -- is entitlement going to be an issue?
Q&A: General
Is the [increase] in volunteerism due to Disney incentive? Is there a fear to lose help at the end of the year?
Q&A: Housing
Will the 2010 Census help identify how many homeless people there are in Orange County?
Q&A: Housing
What is being done to bring more Section 8 vouchers to Orange County? This is very important in reducing institutionalization and promoting independent living and free will in long term care facilities and implementing the Olmstead Act.
Q&A: Housing
Glenn referred to "normal" employment (unemployment) -- who determines what's "normal" and how?
Q&A: Employment
What skills training is available through WIB (outside of ROP, community colleges, adult education, Microsoft Online vouchers)?
Q&A: Employment
In particular regarding Hispanic Limited English workers affected by layoffs: how has this impacted the demand for services? What specific services are being delivered (language development, soft skills)? Which and by whom?
Q&A: Employment
If someone has a criminal record, it's hard to find a job. How can that be addressed, or how can you help these people?
Q&A: Employment
How do you deal with the need for free/affordable childcare for people in the workforce?
Q&A: Employment
How can we access the OC job training funds to expand our job training program? ARRA dollars will be going away at the end of 6/2011 and contracts are in place already for training.
Q&A: Employment
Are those receiving unemployment benefits allowed to attend college? Part-time? Full-time? What about extensions in terms of freedom to go to school? Will these extensions continue?
Q&A: Employment
If "published" OC unemployment is 9.7% what do you estimate "real" unemployment to be in OC?
Q&A: Health
What is the best resource for young adults that are on psychotropic medications and have aged out of parental insurance and cannot afford to obtain insurance to continue their medications?
Q&A: Health
We keep hearing about increasing needs in mental and behavioral health in Orange County. Do any of you have any insights on what is happening with OC's Mental Health Services Act monies now?
Q&A: Health
There has been a marked increase in substance abuse with youth and adults due to the economy, [creating] strain on families, loss of jobs, etc. Did any of the focus groups address this issue? In all prior economic times through history, this has occurred and the cost in society is huge -- the cost for nonprofits and on jails, etc.
Q&A: Health
Given the approval of health care reform, what changes do you anticipate impacting OC residents first?
Q&A: Health
How does the health care bill affect ability to provide care to OC residents, and how will it affect access for already insured people?
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