If families qualify for social services assistance, they may be able to receive childcare. Other agencies have limited funds for these services as well to those who qualify.
The "How Safe is OC's Safety Net?" town hall meeting was held on April 6, 2010. It was organized by 2-1-1 Orange County and the Center for Internships & Commnity Engagement at Cal State Fullerton. To prepare for the panel presentations, service providers and other stakeholders participated in a series of focus group in advance of the town hall event. Chairs were: Glenn Hayes (Housing), Sandra Rose (Health), Mark Lowry (Hunger), and Andrew Munoz (employment). Moderator of the town hall dialog was Karen Roper, County of Orange Community Services.
If families qualify for social services assistance, they may be able to receive childcare. Other agencies have limited funds for these services as well to those who qualify.
ReplyDeleteChildren's Home Society of California maintains the Centralized Eligibility List (CEL) in Orange County. Contact information as follows:
ReplyDeleteChildren's Home Society of California
Karen Wunderlich
505 N Euclid Street, Suite 100
Anaheim CA 92801
Phone: 714-817-8600